Quote-to-Cash Digital-Transformation based on BISTRO – #Episode15

When #Subscription based business model could be considered a 1st Stage of #DigitalTransformation to move from #One-Off offerings into #RecurrentRevenues, the 2nd Stage of #DigitalTransformation is to move into #Consumption based offerings.

This #Episode15 intends to remove the preconcept that giving customers more flexibility to buy what they need, based on their #Consumptions, it’s not a challenge, beyond massive number of #UDRs (Usage Consumption Records) that should be collected from multiple sources and in multiple formats.

Is your #ChiefRevenueOfficer concerned about tentative #RevenueLeakages consequence of potential loss of #Consumptions to be billed?

Everyone knows that a key component of a #Quote-To-Cash solution is to have a strong #Mediation to collect, validate, deduplicate, format, enrich and forward #UDRs into the #Rating component. But here is where other preconcept jump in, is it necessary to start from scratch #Mediation configuration to move into #Consumption based model?

#GMB’s #Bistro offers some unique preconfigurations at #SAPMediation (by #DigitalRoute), that accelerate #Consumption based model implementation:

  • An initial process that maps all different consumption records collected from dissimilar sources into a #UniversalUDR, what simplify the standardization and mapping of input formats.

  • A #UDR Loader allows the upload of consumption files into #SAPMediation, directly from #Bistro Cockpit in #FIORI environment, what facilitate the ramp-up of those that like to manage low volumes of consumptions or don’t like to set up an interface.

  • A Validation Flow that oversees audit, archiving, de-duplication, validation, enrichment, aggregation, and mapping of #UniversalUDRs into a #UniversalCDRs based on #SAPMediation.

Take some minutes to learn more about #BISTRO consumptions management #Accelerators, which will enable a #Fast and #Low-Cost implementation of a #Quote-to-Cash solution based on #SAPBRIM. Learn more at: https://www.gmbtechnology.com/bistro